Package Handling
DCS’s design and engineering team has more than 40 years of experience creating unique parcel handling systems for diverse customer applications. With installations including semi-automated handling in small city distribution centers and fully automated, integrated hubs with advanced conveyor and sorter equipment, DCS routinely thinks outside the box.
E-Commerce and Multi-Channel Fulfillment
DCS designs and implements end-to-end warehouse automation solutions for e-commerce and multi-channel retailers that address numerous workflow challenges. This includes solutions for receiving, putaway, storage, replenishment, order fulfillment, picking, packing, sortation, and outbound shipping. Our custom integrated warehouse, distribution, and fulfillment systems draw from a deep pool of conventional, semi-automated, and automated material handling technologies.
Various Distribution Applications
Whether an operation is considering the construction of a new distribution or fulfillment center, or a retrofit or expansion of an existing facility, it’s important to create a solution that fits the overarching supply chain strategy. DCS has four decades of experience designing and integrating comprehensive, end-to-end material handling solutions that meet a multitude of operational goals. Whether conventional, semi-automated, or fully automated, DCS can help your organization implement a custom solution that meets its goals while maximizing return on investment (ROI).
Workers and manager with documents
Supply Chain Consulting
The DCS Supply Chain Consulting team offers a range of services to help your operations address the challenges it faces. Working in partnership with you, DCS consultants analyze your business data- existing workforce, workflow processes, inventory, order data, operations, and more- to determine a strategy that addresses your unique needs. Whether you need an operations assessment, process improvement recommendations, or distribution design services, DCS consultants will help guide you to the material handling system or operational solution that best meets your current and future needs, as well as your budget.
Customer Support
Keeping your warehouse operations and material handling systems running smoothly and at the peak of productivity are the goals of DCS’ Customer Service Team. By partnering with DCS, your warehouse automation solution is supported from commissioning to end of life. You’ll receive comprehensive in-house training of your personnel, including specialized training of your designated internal system expert. Plus, DCS offers a complete package of spare parts and expert system troubleshooting support from qualified engineers dedicated to your installation.
Top-Down View: In Warehouse People Working, Forklift Truck Operator Lifts Pallet with Cardboard Box. Logistics, Distribution Center with Products Ready for Global Shipment, Customer Delivery
System Design & Integration
DCS offers a broad range of material handling equipment and automated system design, installation, and integration services for a multitude of projects. These include retrofits, expansions, upgrades, and more. While every project is unique, our system design and execution processes are the same, encompassing meticulous attention to detail, frequent communication, and a dedicated partnership with our clients.
About Us
Designed Conveyor Systems (DCS) has 40 years of experience serving major clients in multiple industries by providing material handling, full-scale warehouse operations, and conveyor design solutions that are custom crafted for their needs. DCS does not sell ready-made conveyor systems but builds relationships that empower collaboration to craft custom warehouse designs together. DCS utilizes consulting, engineering design, project management, installation services, and client support to ensure our customers can keep their promises to deliver on time.
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With more than 40 years of experience providing automated system design, installation, and integration services, DCS has created solutions for companies throughout the United States in a broad range of industries and markets. We’ve completed more than 1500 projects ranging from greenfield facilities with completely new systems to expansions and retrofits of existing operations.
ProMat Booth
Upcoming Events
Designed Conveyor Systems values building strong relationships with our clients. Join us at our upcoming events to collaborate and discover how we can design a custom warehouse solution tailored to your unique needs.

Lessons Learned from My First Day in Material Handling

Lessons Learned from My First Day in Material Handling

Imagine you’re a brand-new project manager on your very first material handling project. It’s time for your very first site visit. How excited you must be to get out into the field and see what this material handling thing is all about. Well, that was me not too long ago. This is the story of my first day, and what great lessons it taught me.

So, with a fresh pressed shirt, shined shoes, and nice pants, I show up at the distribution center ready to go! Not knowing where to go, I ask the first person I see, Do you know where the picking area is? Off I went, so proud to be close to the first moment I see the team and the project ahead! As I walked up to the picking center, there were two software engineers arguing. I realized my first challenge had come quickly; let’s get these two nice folks calmed down! Hi, I’m Rob, your project manager, what seems to be the problem? As the evening went on, I could see these two had different work styles and different methods on how to code. They thought differently about everything, but here we are with a job to do!

After a long night, the programmers believe we are ready for the morning. 6AM comes and it’s time for our first task. We had 12 hours to get the system into production. It was going to be fun.

So, the conveyors start-up, and all appears well. After a quick successful test of the emergency-stop pull-cord, I felt the system was ready to go. The customer organized staff members around the system and we turned the system on full throttle. At first things went well, but soon enough, there was a jam. One of the conveyors did not come on. Someone pulled the emergency stop. Nothing happened. I shut down the entire area as quickly as I could. After some discussion and a little tweaking, we decided to try again. Now, all parts of the system were full of workers. Every inch of conveyor was covered. Product was moving but a certain part of the conveyor still wasn’t working. Product started piling up, the system didn’t stop, and it was not good. After we made more changes, we tried again. By now we are causing a scene in the distribution center. They are asking me, What seems to be the problem? Right about then, a box falls on the floor and bursts wide open, new clothes spilling out. I look at the box, then I look at the customer. He wasn’t amused. Now even more boxes are falling, and the team is scrambling to stop the running conveyor. It became a real mess in a very short amount of time!

So, running back and forth for several hours to try to keep things going exposed me to what it’s really like turning on a new system without ever really testing it prior. We finally got the system running, but it didn’t quite go as I hoped it would. I had no idea how hard it was to work in a warehouse and how un-prepared I was in my shiny shoes and pressed shirt!

I learned things then that I still use today. It was a difficult initiation, but maybe it would have been easier had I done things a little different. Below are some tips I learned from my very first day in material handling.

  1. Always Test the System

Always perform end to end testing with and without product before full system operation. If your teammates have a disagreement on the process, question it. Don’t settle for anything but known facts. Does it run right? What is the status of every section installed? Schedule a time to complete testing and make sure you run the system. Pull all the emergency stops, flag all the photo eyes, making sure you’re ready to start the system with the customer’s product!

For more information on crucial mistakes that will affect your go-live, check out: 9.5 Ways to Sabotage Your Go-Live

  1. Wear Proper Attire

Seems obvious now, but a warehouse is a dirty and unforgiving place. Leave the nice clothes at home. This may prevent you from standing out like I did that first day! Wear a comfortable set of safety shoes, jeans and a durable shirt. Beware of dangling items that can get caught like necklaces, badges or zippers.

  1. Have a Back Up Plan

Schedule a meeting with your team and the customer to discuss the plan. Make the plan clear and know what the back-up plan is. If you think you’re going to be late, prepare for how to mitigate the impact and be sure to tell the customer and team now, rather than later. I failed to even consider that we wouldn’t make the designated time. How little did I know!

My wife called me that night, after what seemed like an endless day and asked So, how did your first day go? I was happy to hear her voice, but after a long pause I said, let’s put it this way, I sure hope every day is not like today and I don’t have to wear nice clothes!