DCS’s design and engineering team has more than 40 years of experience creating unique parcel handling systems for diverse customer applications. With installations including semi-automated handling in small city distribution centers and fully automated, integrated hubs with advanced conveyor and sorter equipment, DCS routinely thinks outside the box.
DCS designs and implements end-to-end warehouse automation solutions for e-commerce and multi-channel retailers that address numerous workflow challenges. This includes solutions for receiving, putaway, storage, replenishment, order fulfillment, picking, packing, sortation, and outbound shipping. Our custom integrated warehouse, distribution, and fulfillment systems draw from a deep pool of conventional, semi-automated, and automated material handling technologies.
Whether an operation is considering the construction of a new distribution or fulfillment center, or a retrofit or expansion of an existing facility, it’s important to create a solution that fits the overarching supply chain strategy. DCS has four decades of experience designing and integrating comprehensive, end-to-end material handling solutions that meet a multitude of operational goals. Whether conventional, semi-automated, or fully automated, DCS can help your organization implement a custom solution that meets its goals while maximizing return on investment (ROI).
The DCS Supply Chain Consulting team offers a range of services to help your operations address the challenges it faces. Working in partnership with you, DCS consultants analyze your business data- existing workforce, workflow processes, inventory, order data, operations, and more- to determine a strategy that addresses your unique needs. Whether you need an operations assessment, process improvement recommendations, or distribution design services, DCS consultants will help guide you to the material handling system or operational solution that best meets your current and future needs, as well as your budget.
Keeping your warehouse operations and material handling systems running smoothly and at the peak of productivity are the goals of DCS’ Customer Service Team. By partnering with DCS, your warehouse automation solution is supported from commissioning to end of life. You’ll receive comprehensive in-house training of your personnel, including specialized training of your designated internal system expert. Plus, DCS offers a complete package of spare parts and expert system troubleshooting support from qualified engineers dedicated to your installation.
DCS offers a broad range of material handling equipment and automated system design, installation, and integration services for a multitude of projects. These include retrofits, expansions, upgrades, and more. While every project is unique, our system design and execution processes are the same, encompassing meticulous attention to detail, frequent communication, and a dedicated partnership with our clients.
Designed Conveyor Systems (DCS) has 40 years of experience serving major clients in multiple industries by providing material handling, full-scale warehouse operations, and conveyor design solutions that are custom crafted for their needs. DCS does not sell ready-made conveyor systems but builds relationships that empower collaboration to craft custom warehouse designs together. DCS utilizes consulting, engineering design, project management, installation services, and client support to ensure our customers can keep their promises to deliver on time.
With more than 40 years of experience providing automated system design, installation, and integration services, DCS has created solutions for companies throughout the United States in a broad range of industries and markets. We’ve completed more than 1500 projects ranging from greenfield facilities with completely new systems to expansions and retrofits of existing operations.
Designed Conveyor Systems values building strong relationships with our clients. Join us at our upcoming events to collaborate and discover how we can design a custom warehouse solution tailored to your unique needs.
Reassess Spare Parts and Support Strategies to Minimize Downtime
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Reassess Spare Parts and Support Strategies to Minimize Downtime
Date Posted:02.08.22
If every automated material handling, distribution, and parcel handling system were set it and forget it, then downtime wouldn’t exist (and I wouldn’t be writing this article). Yet, as much as operations managers and equipment owners might wish this were the case, the reality is completely different.
In fact, as systems become more intricate and integrated – and as operations are increasingly reliant on their proper and continuous function to meet customer service level agreements (SLAs) – the potential financial losses associated with an equipment malfunction and subsequent unplanned downtime can be exponential.
To protect against such an occurrence, smart operations lay in a supply of spare parts that they stock on-site so as to be readily available should an issue arise. Additionally, many opt to contract for post-installation technical support from either the system’s integrator or original equipment manufacturer (OEM).
Both strategies are, in essence, insurance against the unexpected. Yet the challenges presented by the current, Covid-impacted operating environment – both in terms of dramatically extended lead times and challenges in hiring and retaining skilled automation and maintenance technicians -it’s a good idea to reassess those strategies and adjust where necessary to ensure the desired outcome: minimized downtime.
Stocking Spare Parts: The New Rule of Thumb
Historically, when a system is purchased, installed, and commissioned, the integrator and/or OEM include a list of recommended spare parts to be purchased and stored on-site. As a general rule of thumb, stocked quantities represent approximately 10% of a given component – within reason.
For example, if a motor-driven roller (MDR) conveyor system incorporates 10,000 rollers, then storing 1,000 spare rollers on-site is probably excessive (although some operations do). Pulleys or cables, on the other hand, are more prone to wear or damage, so storing 10% of the total used in the system isn’t an outrageous number. Similarly, most operations keep one (or maybe two) spare motors on hand.
Back when lead times ran roughly 8 to 12 weeks to replenish spare parts stock after being used to make a repair, these quantities were likely on point. Particularly as most integrators or OEMs could likely supply a back-up from their own inventory in a pinch.
However, within the past two years, lead times for any component that includes electronics or metal (think microchips and steel) have stretched out as far as 24 to even 36 weeks in some cases. That’s made it particularly hard for integrators and OEMs to maintain much stocked inventory, as most of their parts are committed to open orders. Gone are the days when an operation could confidently rely on an outside source for spares in a relatively reasonable timeframe.
In the new normal of the pandemic-impacted manufacturing and supply chain climate, a spare parts stocking strategy should be adjusted to compensate. That is, spend some time evaluating which parts – particularly those that are most critical to the function of the automated material handling system – have the longest lead times. Then invest in purchasing one or more of them now to increase the chance of their timely availability to in-house maintenance and repair technicians.
Sure, chances are there will be a 4- to 6-month wait before any parts ordered today actually arrive. But, in the interim, if only one (or two) of those components typically stocked onsite are used between now and then, another will already be on its way to replenish spares inventory sooner than later.
For operations managers who balk at taking on the additional expense of increasing the number of spares held in-house, it’s important to consider the alternative. That is, how much will unscheduled downtime associated with an equipment failure cost the organization? For many facilities, that number could be as high as several hundreds of thousands of dollars per hour. Spending a fraction of that on what essentially amounts to an insurance policy against downtime is a wise decision.
Even just a decade ago, many distribution center and parcel handling operations had a relatively easy time staffing their maintenance and repairs team with qualified, skilled technicians. These personnel were experienced in both routine upkeep and emergency troubleshooting.
Since then, however, many of those professionals have reached retirement age (or chose to take early retirement when the pandemic emerged, out of concern for their health and well-being). Further, the automated systems themselves have become more complex and inter-connected, requiring a much higher degree of technical expertise and sophisticated computer programming skills.
Coupled with the overall labor shortages challenging organizations nationwide, many of today’s operations are staffed by fewer maintenance technicians who possess less hands-on troubleshooting experience than their predecessors. Many organizations have opted to supplement their in-house teams with third-party maintenance and repair service providers who also may be less familiar with an operation’s unique automated material handling system.
Given this, it’s a good idea to contract with either the system’s integrator or OEM for emergency technical support services. Certain suppliers, including DCS, offer an annual support package that includes direct interaction with an assigned engineer who is fully up-to-speed on an operation’s unique installation.
Support calls from in-house or contract maintenance personnel are returned directly by that designated support engineer (or a colleague also familiar with the system, should the primary contact be unavailable) within a short period of time, around the clock. Further, via remote connection technology, the support engineer can connect to the system in real-time, allowing them to personally see faults or other error messages.
With this off-site expertise available 24/7/365, in-house maintenance technicians get a second pair of eyes on the situation (albeit remotely), and expert guidance that targets the most likely cause(s) of the issue for the fastest resolution. And, should the situation not be resolvable via a call, the support engineer will travel to the site as quickly as possible to fix the problem. Either way, strategically engaging expert technical support for troubleshooting is another way to mitigate against unexpected downtime and associated financial losses.
Need help assessing and updating your operation’s spare parts and support strategies? Connect with DCS.
Bill DeYoung serves as the Customer Service Manager for Designed Conveyor Systems and brings to the team 10+ years of experience in the material handling industry. His role is to lead the Customer Service team to provide world-class support to the DCS customers. This support includes training on the system, providing on-site and remote support, providing recommendations, and supply of spare parts to ensure the system operates as it is designed. When Bill is not in the office, you can find him spending time with his wife and three sons who enjoy exploring nature, especially the mountains.